165 Avenue Michel-Croz, 74400 Chamonix, France
+33 656 704 307​sroe­lants

Consider this a lit­tle space to put the thoughts and mus­ings that I’ve writ­ten, or have yet to write. From a more tech­ni­cal side, it’ll also serve as a place for me to take notes as I learn new tech­nolo­gies in the ever-evolv­ing tech world. Most tin­ker­ers and per­pet­ual learn­ers will agree: aside from the of­fi­cial doc­u­men­ta­tion, per­sonal notes of peo­ple de­scrib­ing how they solved prob­lems or con­fig­ured tools are the sin­gle most use­ful source of in­for­ma­tion when grap­pling with new tech­nolo­gies.

Let this, then, be my tiny con­tri­bu­tion to the ed­i­fice that is the grand sum of per­sonal tech­ni­cal blogs.

Latest posts

Configuring a blog with Eleventy

The first thing one no­tices when look­ing at the Eleventy doc­u­men­ta­tion is that *there is­n’t re­ally much there*. It’s about as bare bones as it gets: no com­pli­cated data mod­els, no strict di­rec­tory hi­er­ar­chies. Eleventy takes all files from one folder, com­piles them, and gen­er­ates a folder of out­put files. Learning how to use it was, in a word, a breeze.

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Statically gen­er­ated sites and the JAMstack

There is a bit of a trope, a tra­di­tion, that the first thing that is dis­cussed on a newly founded blog should be how said blog was set up and con­fig­ured. I would­n’t dare break away from this tra­di­tion, and will in due time write down the nitty gritty that went into set­ting up this blog, the things I’ve learned and the gripes I had with the tools used. In this par­tic­u­lar post, though, I’d like to start by talk­ing about some of the rea­sons for choos­ing the par­tic­u­lar tech­nolo­gies that I did.

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